In a world of “easy-believism”, what is most important in sharing the gospel is getting one to accept Christ as Savior. But, is that what Jesus great commission commands? And can one be truly saved by mental assent alone or is an actual commitment required to make Jesus your Lord?
Think about it. If you work for someone for 40 years, would you not expect for your boss to speak to you at least once in all that time? Then, if you serve Yahweh, why would you not expect to hear directly from Him as well? Our Lord has far more interest is each of us than our earthly bosses do. Did you know you can learn to distinguish the voice of God from all others, confirm that it is HIS voice, and be not deceived!?
We often hear or even read in Scripture that we are supposed to be righteous and holy before our Holy God. It is tempting to think that these two words have similar meaning. But, the true differences in their meanings can make all the difference in our lives. So, what differentiates these commands to be righteous and to be holy? And what exactly does our obedience to them entail? Prepare to be enlightened as we cast unattainable religious legalism upon the trash heap of theology’s bad ideas and are filled with the peace that can only come from resting in the amazing love of Yahweh.