It's time to rise above our current circumstances as God calls us all to a higher place of great benefit. Discover fresh revelation and insight surrounding Jesus sacrifice that will help you today! We start here as we enter the season leading to Resurrection Sunday for the fact that God shares his attribute of transcendence with us featuring Jesus Christ as our ultimate example of what it means to be a human being and a spiritual being.
It's time to rise above our current circumstances as God calls us all to a higher place of great benefit. Discover fresh revelation and insight surrounding Jesus sacrifice that will help you today! We start here as we enter the season leading to Resurrection Sunday for the fact that God shares his attribute of transcendence with us featuring Jesus Christ as our ultimate example of what it means to be a human being and a spiritual being.
Transcendence is an attribute of God. We say that God is transcendent. He is the highest position. There are many Scriptures that affirm this truth.
1 Chronicles 29:11 Yours, O Lord, is the greatness and the power and the glory and the victory and the majesty, indeed everything that is in the heavens and the earth; Yours is the dominion, O Lord, and You exalt Yourself as head over all.
Job 11:7-8 “Can you discover the depths of God?
Can you discover the limits of the Almighty?
8 “They are high as [a]the heavens, what can you do?
Deeper than [b]Sheol, what can you know?
Job 26:14“Behold, these are the fringes of His ways;
And how faint a word we hear of Him!
But His mighty thunder, who can understand?”
Psalm 145:3 Great is the Lord, and highly to be praised, And His greatness is unsearchable.
Isaiah 155:8 “For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the Lord.
1 Timothy 6:15 which He will bring about at the proper time—He who is the blessed and only Sovereign,the King of kings and Lord of lords,
We start here as we enter the season leading to Resurrection Sunday for the fact that God shares his attribute of transcendence with us featuring Jesus Christ as our ultimate example of what it means to be a human being and a spiritual being rising above the greatest difficulty.
As we see with God, when much is given, much is required. Transcendence is not a difficult concept to understand.
Definition:Transcendence - existence or experience beyond the normal or physical level. It is the act of rising and or being above.
In this message series we will learn and observe the powerful correlation that God is transcendent by attribute, Jesus transcends by example, we are all in the process of transcending just by being conscious.
We sometimes run into a problem as human beings understanding that God is transcendent as well as imminent or omnipresent.
To say that God can be transcendent, high above all, yet everywhere, including inside of us seems contradictory.
These two ideas are not contradictory as transcendence presents God at the highest level,at every aspect, with unlimited ability. We see this to be true with some caveats or restrictions that God seems to make on himself.
Are there some laws or rules that God puts in place that He obeys as well that might seem limiting on Himself? We will talk about these items another time.
It is safe to say that God is most near to us yet at the same time so far and high above us.
This does not mean geographically or astronomically that God is removed.This is in regards to an ultimate position.
The difficulty with human thinking is that it is grounded in analogy of physical things. We use analogy all the time to explain things. Example:he put all his cards on the table, the business owner had two hired hands, this man is a straight shooter, this man is crooked, this guy is off his base, her personality lit up the room.
What we learn quickly is when you deal with the transcendent, tools of measurement,language of description quit working. Fortunately and unfortunately analogy is the best we have. This is why we say that God is high above.
Because God is everywhere, He doesn’t have to be concerned with distance. Because God contains everything, He doesn’t worry about the size of anything.
To God, size and distance does not matter. Objects might have being or position yet they do not have consciousness.
It’s the quality of heart God is concerned with. It’s the quality of being. It’s how we embrace this gift that we’ve been given to be here and now. The gift of consciousness.
As high as a mountain seems to rise to the heavens, human beings can rise above. The purpose of our existence upon the earth is to be in a continual process of transcending, rising above.
God is just as far above the heavens as He is above an ant. The beauty is that God is continually calling us upward.
The example of Jesus is our template. His life, death, burial and resurrection stories have something to offer us practically. This is more than a resurrection season message. This is a message for life.
There are eight points that I would like to share that are instructional, practical and life bearing that reflect Jesus as the ultimate example for humanity.
Sanctification is a process of deciding, killing off all other options so that we can rise as God is calling us up. Ex Hot Air Balloon
Sanctification is the working process of transcendence for human beings. These eight practical steps of sanctification will help us to transcend and rise above.
1.Let us decide that and then enact the proposition that being is good, despite its tragedy and malevolence.
2.Let us work in consequence for the continual and eternal improvement of that being, and to know that as love.
3.Let us do such work in truth.
4.Let us allow everything that is inadequate to burn off in that pursuit, and to welcome its replacement by what is better.
5.Know that this is the sacred reflection of Christ.
6.Let us understand that although Christ’s sacrifice redeemed us all, the work still has to be done. (Salvation is a free gift)
7.Let us accept that work as the sacred meaning of life.
8.Let us pursue toward the heavenly city on the hill in that manner together.
Pursue what is meaningful, not what is expedient.
Pursue these things and begin to rise above your circumstances, being drawn to the higher place of a transcendent God.